Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yoga mudra

This is my favorite posture as it makes me feel so calm & peaceful. To stay longer in the pose you can hold your hands behind the back & relax elbows & shoulders.

As the name suggests this is the symbol of yoga as it unites, harmonises the body to mind & spirit. Yoga means joining, uniting the three aspects of our being into one thought, idea, place. In yoga mudra the dominate thought is of vairagya. Vairagya is a broad concept. It means to be in the mindset of relaxation after doing your efforts, duties. This relaxation comes when you have done your job to the best of your ability & have left it to the Higher power with full faith that the result of your efforts will be in your best interest, for your greater good. There is no worry or anxiousness towards the outcome. So one can let go mentally & physically, relax.

In other words, vairagya comes in when you have done your part & surrendered to the Universal will in good faith. "Whatever happens i can now accept because i know its for my best"

Practise Yoga Mudra when you need to quieten an angry, confused or disturbed mind. When you are low on patience, yoga mudra to the rescue :)

On the physical level as well the effects are marvellous. This asana gives a wonderful massage to all the internal organs aiding assimilation & movement. Its perfect for faulty digestion, constipation & all urogenital related problems.

The variations are twisting to the sides so as to give a boost to peristalsis movement. Try practising it in padmasana. If you cant do this try it in ardha padmasana ( one leg up on thigh & the other down). Change sides to get maximum benefit.

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