Saturday, October 31, 2009

Shavasana - The Corpse pose

"The best sign of a good shavasana is a feeling of deep peace & pure bliss. Shavasana is a watchful surrendering of the ego. Forgetting oneself, one discovers oneself". - B K S Iyenger

Shava means corpse. Here the body lies on the floor face up & completely relaxed., while the mind is alert The eyes are shut, arms by the side, palms up, body motionless. The mind moves from the toes to the head relaxing each body part. There are 16 "marmasthans" or sensitive body parts where one holds tension. There are relaxed systematically in shavasana.

The influence of this asana is incredible. Shavasana gives the experience of symbolic death & points to the need to be born anew.

In shavasana, passion, egocentricity & self importance is kept aside. Rest acquires a new meaning. There is a need to surrender, just BE. The body at rest can do its repair work. shavasana gives relief to the mind from driving forces & emotions. The effects are profound .

How are we using the time that remains? This is one qustion surely to surface. On analysis, we can find meaning & definition to our REAL goals & dreams. Let the inner self guide you, rather than just go after things that are socially considered as goals worth achieving.

Shavasana is a very important asana & make sure you keep atleast 10 minutes of its practise daily. You can do it independently, prabably in the evening after coming from work or just before falling asleep.

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