Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bhujangasana -The "Determination" pose

Bhujangasana means serpent or cobra pose. Its one of the best backbend postures. All backbends challenge us

"Like a snake, the spine should be moved from end to end, when the head moves, the movement is transmitted to the tail" - B.K.S. Iyenger

Doing the pose: Keeping the body fixed firmly to the ground with feet,heels together, forhead on the ground, palms on either side of the chest. The elbows are tucked in towards the back, shoulders away from the ears. On inhaling lift the forhead, nose, chin, spine, head upwards with little or no support from the arms.

This can be modified & done standing. Stand, place arms, fingers on back supporting it. Lift chin up & gently push the back outward, stretching it backward.

The resistance experienced here is from our spine as we try to move it against its natural form. We are using our will power to do so. Thats where determination comes in.

As Swami Sivananda Radha explains "The psychological implication of snake lies in the fear of being overpowered by the unexpected events of life - health, economic, relations.Its a constant battle, so it seems. Exhaustion & helplessness results until we realise that we never get a burden we cant shoulder".
The answer is within us, as always.The kundalini energy is symbolised as a coiled, sleeping snake lying dormant at the base of our spine.

Mythology uses snake to represent its powerful, fearsome, poisonous,watchfulness & wise image. Vishu with his 7 headed snake bed. Medusa, the greek goddess has snakes instead of hair growing from her head. Shiva has a snake around his neck. Krishna dances on the head of the serpent Kaliya.

We humans are designed to self heal & face any situation. This can happen only when we realise the power we have within. Instead of swaying to the music of the outer reactions, like the cobra does to the charmers tunes, we can create our own internal peace. From here comes the determination to lift ourself above circumstances.

As your back grows stronger from regular practice, you realise that you are not spineless & you are ready to reach up higher using your own power & strength. This surge of confidence, self assurance is what you need from your practice, to take into your daily life.

what are your thoughts while doing bhujangasana?

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