Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Eye flu

Got the pink eye - conjunctivitis, so have been spending a lot of time in pain & asking myself what did i do to bring this on. Both equally draining activities. Thats when it hit me - perhaps its the Almighty's way of telling me to spend more time loving myself. I realise im highly self critical, as are so many of us. even when others appreciate, praise me im not really believing them or let myself enjoy that moment. well, then you can imagine how unlikely it is to appreciate myself.
So, canceling all work, I did what i do best- ca some asanas, some pranayama but meditatively. 4 asanas in 30 minutes, just the lying down ones. Anuloma viloma. Honestly, i felt i had a spa treatment done :) I actually felt lighter, definitely happier & very very peaceful.

Moral of the story - any physical disease is a call to spend time with yourself. Do what ever gives you joy - read, watch movies, sip tea ....... but listen to your inner voice , its talking to you, always

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